Monday, 7 July 2025 to Saturday, 12 July 2025
Pricing and Registration - 18 Spaces Contact UsDoes a week at the world’s largest genealogy library sound like the DREAM GENEALOGY VACATION to you?
Are you struggling to do research on your own or have a brick wall you are trying to break down? Could you use some help?
Are the records you need not on the Internet or unavailable locally?
The event commences Monday evening at 4.30 pm with an Opening Dinner and Event Introduction at the Plaza Hotel and concludes on Saturday at 5.00 pm. Your hotel stay includes Saturday night, checking out on Sunday
Six nights accommodations at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel at Temple Square (Monday night through Saturday night, checking out Sunday morning).
Help and advice from professional genealogists provided at regular intervals at the FamilySearch Library from 9.00am to 12 noon and 2.00pm to 5.00pm Tuesday - Saturday. (Not available Thursday morning)
Optional Group Activities as described above
Not Included
Air fare (or other travel costs)
Meals (other than the opening dinner)
All other personal expenses
The following optional evening group activities are included in the registration price with nothing extra to pay:
We will be holding an Opening Dinner and Event Introduction at the hotel on Monday at 4:30 pm
Although these are not always held we hope to attend a rehearsal of the world-renowned Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
We are also planning a tour of the Conference Center, the main arrival center for guests visiting Temple Square. This 1.4 million square foot, multi-level building features terrace views of the Salt Lake temple, a roof-top garden and a breath-taking 21,000 seat auditorium, one of the largest of its kind in the world
Please note that if it is necessary to cancel any of the above activities we will do our best to provide alternatives
Attendance is by pre-registration only. Full payment is requested upon registration.
We accept payment by PayPal, credit card or debit card
In the event of cancellation you may either:
(1) Transfer to a future event that is currently open for registration
(2) Request to be placed on our Transfer List which will give you a full credit for attendance at any future event and will protect you from any future increases in the registration fee
(3) Request a refund of 90% of the registration fee up to 30 days prior to the event. Within 30 days of the event you may request a refund of 80% of the registration fee
No shows will forfeit all fees paid. No refunds will be made in the event of late arrival or early departure.
Register under this option if (1) you are coming to this event on your own or (2) you are attending with someone else but require your own room. You will have your own room – not shared.
If you will be attending with someone else and sharing a room, this is the option for you.
Total registration price is $2990 (NOT $2990 per person)
This is a great option if you wish to attend and share a room with someone else who will not be doing research at the Library but wish to spend their time in Salt Lake City doing other things. Your companion is welcome to attend all evening group activities including the Opening Dinner.
Total registration price is $2050 (NOT $2050 per person)
You will spend a week at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City, the largest library of its kind in the world, offering a staggering collection of genealogical records from all over the world on five floors.
Current opening hours
In addition to help available from Library volunteers and staff, you will have exclusive access to Ancestor Seekers Research Consultants at regular intervals from 9.00 am to 12 noon and 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm Monday to Saturday (they will not be available on Thursday morning).
Attendance is generally around fifty, and we aim to provide one consultant for approximately every six guests.
They will help you find the records you need to do your research and provide their expertise in interpreting and analyzing the information you have found.
Our consultants will offer specialized help as you search records from:
Although the Library holds a vast collection of records from all over the world, this trip will be of most benefit to those who are researching at least one of these four countries.
Located next door to the Library, the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel at Temple Square is the ideal location for those coming to Salt Lake City to do genealogy.
Six nights at the hotel (Monday night through Saturday night, checking out on Sunday morning) is included in the price and is arranged by Ancestor Seekers. Details of how to stay additional nights at our special group rate will be provided after you have registered.
Each room includes free wireless hi-speed Internet.
The hotel does not currently operate a restaurant. The following alternatives are being provided.
The Plaza hotel does not currently run an airport shuttle.
The hotel provides a limited number of disability accessible rooms
We want you to be well during your visit. If you have recently had surgery or are under a doctor's care, please seek approval from your doctor before making this trip.